We cherish the testimonials from our participants, as they provide authentic accounts of personal growth and resilience, further emphasizing the profound impact of our community-driven approach to healing and recovery.
Matt & Diana
Matt and Diana are husband and wife that were suffering from meth amphetamine use disorder. They began manufacturing the dangerous drug to support their addiction and the police soon became involved. After their release from jail, Matt and Diana both came to True Recovery RVA and they are now both in long term recovery. Diana is now the Director of Women's Programs at True Recovery RVA.
In 1983, Charles's life in Norfolk, Virginia, took a dark turn when he started using crack, known then as "free base." His introduction to the drug came through his uncle, a dealer who lived in the family-owned corner store with a house attached. However, Charles's journey through addiction eventually led him to recovery, where he found support and a new direction. Embracing the guidance and encouragement from his support network, he learned that staying clean could help him achieve his dreams, like owning a business. Today, Charles is the proud owner of C Snipes Mobile Car Wash and Detailing, his sobriety allowing him to rebuild family ties and find joy in his work—a symbol of his personal triumph over addiction.
Damien McClain has been with True Recovery for over a year, a place he almost didn't reach due to initial objections from the Commonwealth. His journey of addiction spanned 25 years, a relentless cycle of daily use and false promises to quit. It was a Sunday phone call to Crystal that pivoted his life towards recovery, beginning his transformative path. Now, as a residential advisor at True Recovery, Damien helps others navigate the road to sobriety, embodying the change he once thought impossible. Each day, he lives with the purpose of providing the same life-saving help he received, offering hope and guidance to anyone seeking a new beginning, and proving that with genuine effort, recovery is within reach.
At 21, Kelly faced a critical moment with a DUI and multiple car accidents, signaling to her loved ones that she needed help. Resistant at first to the idea of recovery, she eventually embraced the journey at True Recovery, finding camaraderie with women facing similar struggles. A breakthrough came when her honest sharing in a meeting connected her with a key figure in her rehabilitation. Now, Kelly lives a fulfilling life, engaged in work she loves, studying for her degree, and sharing a home with her boyfriend and two cats—both of them committed to their shared path of recovery, supporting each other and those around them in the community.
Struggling with addiction, Blake learned an essential truth: he wasn't transitioning from bad to good but from sickness to wellness. His addiction had inflicted pain on his loved ones and left him isolated, unemployable, and without trust. An arrest acted as a catalyst for Blake to join the HART program, where he began the real work of changing himself from the inside out. Through dedication, he earned a spot at True Recovery, where he was not only aided in his journey but also recognized for his leadership potential. Now, Blake stands as a testament to transformation, guiding newcomers through their recovery and embodying the profound possibility of sustained healing and growth.
Marcus always felt like an outsider, his early life marked by emotional struggles, school dropout, and substance abuse. This path led to a stark battle with addiction, resulting in two life-threatening overdoses. After being revived in a hospital, Marcus found a lifeline in True Recovery, a place that welcomed him immediately. It was there that he slowly shed his isolation, fostered friendships, and learned life skills that laid the foundation for a new, structured beginning. True Recovery didn't just offer Marcus a bed; it offered him a new way of living, equipping him with the tools for maintaining employment, building relationships, and starting each day with a smile. Marcus's story is a reminder that recovery is within reach and that it's never too late to seek help and turn life around for the better.
Thrown into life on the streets after being kicked out for his anger issues, Tavon's pain pushed him into drug use as a coping mechanism, which spiraled into addiction and legal problems. Discovering True Recovery marked a pivotal change, offering him sobriety and a nonjudgmental community eager to assist rather than condemn. Here, Tavon learned that he was capable of positive change and deserving of a better life. Now, with newfound stability, he is able to fulfill his responsibilities to himself and his family, proving that with the right support, one can turn adversity into a foundation for a brighter future.
Mike's battle with addiction once left him homeless and helpless, finding cold shelter under houses and living day-to-day on various couches. Hitting rock bottom, he made a definitive choice to recover, driven by the need to be a better father. True Recovery offered him a sanctuary where he regained a sense of belonging and direction. Now, with a driver's license, a rewarding job in recovery, and a rejuvenated bond with his children, Mike lives a life filled with happiness and purpose. His journey is a testament to the transformative power of recovery and a beacon of hope that even from the depths of despair, a fulfilling life is within reach.